Updates and changes to payment options must be made before we finish checking out your item. We'll send you an email when this happens. Once an address for check payment or an email address for PayPal payment is finalized, EasyTradeNow does not take responsibility for incorrect information provided.
- Double and triple check the email address provided for PayPal payments.
- Look for things such as incorrect spelling of the email, missing numbers or letters.
- Double and triple check the address provided for check payments.
- Look for thing such as correct spelling, missing numbers or letters, full address, zip code, apartment numbers, etc.
Example for PayPal payments:
Bob confirms his email address is bob101@gmail.com with a representative just before his payment will be made. However, he then realizes a day or two later that his email address is misspelled and missing information. His correct email address is bobby1012019@gmail.com. Bob contacts EasyTradeNow, and the payment is already sent.
In this case, EasyTradeNow will contact PayPal and attempt to cancel the payment to incorrect email address.
Please note this will take a few days, delaying your payment and is based on PayPal's customer service.
Example for Check payments:
Jane confirms her address is 123 main street, NY NY 1001 with a representative just before her payment will be made. However, she then realizes later that her address is missing the apartment number. Her correct address is 123 main street Apt 1A, NY NY 1001. Jane contacts EasyTradeNow, and the payment has already been sent to 123 main street, NY NY 1001.
In this case, EasyTradeNow will contact the bank and attempt to cancel the payment to incorrect address.
Please note this will take a few days, delaying your payment and is based on the banks customer service.